New Moon Musings - Standing at a Karmic Crossroad (Aries, 2020)

Aries is the first sign in the zodiac, making the beginning of Aries Season on March 19th the astrological new year. Only a few days before this shift, COVID-19 quarantines began throughout much of the US, Mars has been aspecting crazy numbers of astrological points over the past few days and will continue to do so for the next week, the Spring Equinox was on March 20th, and Spring has now officially begun. I think more things have happened in the last 7 days than in the rest of the year -- it's like a whirlwind has been unleashed upon us! -- and yet most of us are sitting comfortably at home, unscathed by anything but boredom and anxiety, our daily routines having slowed to a crawl. 

If this weird combination of panic and paralysis has you asking, "What next? Where will we go from here?" you're not alone. In fact, that's precisely what the current lunation is asking us.

Right now we are standing at a karmic crossroads. The New Moon in Aries has formed a T-Square against both the North and South Nodes. The North Node represents our path forward on the journey of destiny while the South Node indicates past lives, karma, and lessons that we have already learned and have no further need of. By squaring these two points, the New Moon in Aries is forcing us to take stock of the situation and decide to move forward without actually moving yet. This is an uncomfortable placement indeed. You may be feeling unsafe in your future, uncertain of your calling, and stranded right now. At the same time, you are probably realizing that you can't go backward either, which puts us in a very intense place of consideration. My recommendation for this new moon is to spend time severing the tense connection with the South Node so that you will be able to truly move forward toward your destiny in the coming weeks. 

Ask yourself: What can I leave behind? What am I totally done with that I probably should have shed long ago? -- be it a belief, a person, a situation, a job, or a plan for the future. What karmic patterns and lessons will I lay down, having completed them already? 

All of this is happening on a global scale, as well. Do you feel that? Mars is making the rounds, too, aspecting with the South Node, Jupiter, Pluto, and Saturn, which means that the way society approaches life, power, and success is changing. If each one of us truly did this work of abandoning the old and getting ready to welcome the new, the collective could really make change on earth! Additionally, Saturn has just entered Aquarius, which means social reform is coming. It's up to us to carefully tend the flow of change. 

With Saturn in Aquarius forming a sextile to the New Moon in Aries, a quality of seriousness and community is coloring this lunation. 

We can see this happening on instagram, where communities of lightworkers are coming together to entertain and soothe one another for free. Make sure that you are investing in the people who matter to you right now. Call your family members and check in on them. Ask your elders to share their stories. What did they overcome in their lifetimes? In the same way, share your wisdom with young people during this time and realize that each one of us is resilient. We can persevere through this individually (Aries) but Saturn in Aquarius demands that we do this together. So hunker down and stay connected in whatever ways that you can.

All of these things are important, but the most interesting astrological indicator in this new moon is the stellium in Aries between Sun, Moon, Chiron, and Lilith. The Sun, which is the masculine force of ego and spirit, is conjunct the Moon, which is the feminine force of intuition, emotion, and soul. Chiron is the wounded healer, often associated with Jesus Christ, while Lilith is the dark or divine feminine dichotomy -- a feminine version of the wounded healer, if you will -- and often associated with Mary Magdalene. All four of these heavenly bodies are within 2 degrees of each other in Aries right now. When these planetary conjuncts happen, the energy of each heavenly body merges with the others and amplifies.

The Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine are merging together, healing each other, and being reborn in Aries.

Birth is not an easy process and neither is rebirth. The close proximity of the Moon and Sun to Chiron and Lilith is revealing all of our problems -- both conscious and unconscious -- without any sugar coating. The tension of current events will bring up lifelong insecurities that you always battle with. Each one of us is experiencing trauma at this time and reopening of core wounds is likely. Allow yourself to feel all of the pain, uncertainty, and fear for what it is. This is a spiritual labor of sorts.

Spend time in healing on all fronts. Nourish yourself deeply and give yourself grace through all of this anxiety and heartache. Parts of yourself that you have often kept separate will finally have the chance to work together, forming one. healthy, whole you. Recognize that the puzzle pieces are coming together and if you hang in there and pay close attention, you can come out of this new moon having experienced deep healing that will last a life time. 

Because the Divine Masculine and Feminine forces are merging at this time, you will also have a heightened awareness of the wounds that your loved ones are battling, and you will have greater potential to heal one another by coming together. This calls for empathy and intimacy. If you are quarantined with a lover, this will be especially true. Overall, this stellium in Aries requires us to be kind, come together, and recognize that significant healing is possible through all of the fear and pain. 

No matter how tough things get in the next weeks and months, stay strong, seek true inner knowing and healing, and get yourself ready to change the world! The time is coming and is now here.


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