
Folk Herbalism 101

Online Course

Go beyond the materia medica and get to know plants on a spiritual level.

Honor the living green world in your medicine making.

Recognize common plants and become allies with them in healing. 

Intuitively know when, where, and how to harvest specific parts of plants.

Learn to listen and intimately understand what the plants communicate to you.

Craft powerful herbal medicines that truly encapsulate the magick of that plant for consumers.

Explore communion with the Fae Folk and other Natural Spirits. 

Join fellow Intuitive Earth Tenders for this intimate, 4 week gathering. Each week, we will walk through plant meditations, learn the fundamentals of Folk Herbal tradition, dive into union with a specific plant, and craft herbal medicines at home! Class will meet during the month of June 2020 via FreeConferenceCall. On top of the 8 hours of face to face instruction with [emmə] apothecary's lead herbalist Emmy Zhang, you will receive weekly print-outs for reference and note-taking, weekly assignments to deepen your earth intuition, and a community of like-minded Plant Folk. 

Who is this class for? Anyone interested in deepening their connection to the plant world, particularly those who feel drawn toward herbal healing, plant magick, and women's folk practices. If you want to make home remedies, learn to forage, or start a small herbal business in the future, this is for you! 

Cost: $44

Register via Venmo! @emme_apothecary    
or email Emmy directly for more info at

A Christian's Guide to Tarot

Guide & Workbook

What does it look like to be a Christian tarot reader? Or an intuitive, for that matter?

How can I honor my gifts while honoring God above everything?

How did the tarot originate and why are so many people drawn to it?

Is tarot the right intuitive tool for me?

What does the Bible say about the tarot?

How can I get better at reading the cards? There's so many to memorize!

What would my healthy tarot practice look like?
Where should I start and how can I make the most of my quiet time?

What boundaries should I set in my intuitive practices?

How does tarot relate to astrology?

Why don't I understand this spread?

How can I be confident in giving a good reading to someone else?

The ancient, intuitive art of tarot comes with many connotations nowadays. When people think of tarot, images of fortune-tellers and charlatans with crystal balls may come to mind. However, this complex tool can be an excellent ally for introspection and even Spirit led counseling when used responsibly. In this course we will explore why tarot remains so popular -- and is even gaining popularity among Christians -- and how you can best use this tool to deepen your intuition, enliven your prayer life, bolster your faith, and guide your creative endeavors. 
Cost: $33


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