
Personal Intuitive Medicine Consultation 

Are you going through something emotionally or spiritually that you feel like you can't handle on your own? Are you struggling to integrate the changes that are happening in your life? Are you looking for support on your spiritual journey? Do you want to work with plants and crystals in a whole new way?

There is a plant and crystal out there for everyone!
This offering allows you to work with an experienced folk herbalist to craft the perfect medicine just for you.

What you will receive:
  • A digital file containing personal assessment journal prompt (pre-work for intuitive medicine crafting consultation)
  • A one on one, 45 minute Skype consultation with Emmy Zhang of [emmə] apothecary in which you will discuss the journal prompts, learn about the medicine crafting process, work with Emmy to intuitively craft your personalized Herbal - Flower - Crystal Elixir.
  • One 2 oz vile of your Personal Elixir shipped to your doorstep with a printable recap of your Medicine Consultation, information on each ingredient used in your Elixir, dosage directions, and further reflection prompts to chart your healing.

Astrology Readings

A lot of people ask me how Christianity & Astrology can possibly go together. Aren't these contradictory worldviews? Absolutely not! 

Genesis 1:14 says, "And God said, “Let there be lights in the vault of the sky to separate the day from the night, and let them serve as signs to mark sacred times, and days and years." This isn't just referring to Brother Sun & Sister Moon. We also know that God marked Jesus' birthplace with a special Star configuration that the Eastern Astrologists were able to chart and follow back to Israel. The cosmic lights are part of God's creation & studying them has only increased my awe of & devotion to Creator.

In my experience, understanding the complexities of your own astrology is an excellent portal into healing. Self work practices like Shadow Work, Ancestor Work, and energetic healing can all stem from a deeper knowledge of the stars.

Rather than offering a shallower, broad overview of your astrological birth chart, I work with individuals one-on-one to either dig deep into sensitive areas of your astrology that need healing and attention, or highlight areas of natural strength that can be cultivated for your betterment.

Tarot Readings 

To me, tarot is not for predicting the future but rather for gaining clarity about the present situation. I use tarot as a form of prayer and introspection. The cards have a way of cutting through all of the BS that is clouding our vision and getting right to the heart of the matter. 

If you are feeling stuck, overwhelmed, lost, or discouraged, an intuitive tarot reading can bring encouragement and insight into the situation. It can suggest a way forward, which is invaluable medicine for times when we feel stranded. 

(Please Note: This is not a fortune-telling or mediumship service. Tarot readings are a form of prayer & Spirit led counseling.) 

Spiritual Mentorship

Do you have a lot of questions about your journey as a Christian Mystic? Do you feel stuck after working on your own? I know from personal experience that sometimes it takes a teacher to help you rise out of a plateau. 

Join me for an 8 week, one on one mentorship program. 

What you will receive during our time together:

  •  2 intuitive readings (astrological, dream interpretation, or tarot, your choice!) to evaluate your baseline and needs moving forward.  
  • 4 spiritual 'assignments' personally tailored to your spiritual growth. 
  • 4 thirty minute consultations via phone or video chat to go over your progress, answer questions, and work through blockages. 

~ Email me directly at to learn more ~


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