My Story

My name is Emmy Zhang. I am a Folk Herbalist, Intuitive Advocate, Astrologer, and Dream Worker located in Buffalo, NY.

Like so many others, my journey of self-actualization as a spiritual worker has been filled with struggles and doubts. 

I grew up in a fundamentalist Christian community. Even at a young age, I had spent enough time in church to know the scriptures like the back of my hand. I had memorized and understood so much deep, heady doctrine of the faith that I was leading Bible study groups as a teenager

Living in a rural area, I grew up playing in the woods and talking to fairies. As a toddler I was in love with a tree. Even from age 3, I told anyone who would listen that my dream job was to be a "Big Dandelion Picker," and throughout my entire life, Dream interpretation has been my quote-un-quote superpower.

As I grew up, however, I forgot about my passion for nature and the more mystic side of living and became a very "realistic" Virgo who "only got along with boys." Outwardly I ditched all of my feminine mystique, my whimsical nature, and my emotionality. I did everything I could to fit into this Man's World-- including a Man's Church. 

Eventually this contrast between the outer lifestyle an my inner intuitive core led me into extreme anxiety and depression.

Thankfully, I spent some time abroad in Asia, met my husband, and was reintroduced to my own soul. I remembered that I am a spiritual, outdoorsy babe. I remembered that I have been collecting crystals, star gazing, and interpreting my dreams since I was young. I go out hiking and see faeries. I talk to plants. I cry in church because I feel the Spirit, and I pour over my friends' and families' natal charts. 

Why did it take me so long to accept who I am?

For so many of us who grew up in a system of organized religion, it can feel impossible to be an enlightened and powerful woman. Like the Healers and Wise Women before us who were burned as the stake as "witches", we are often shamed, harassed, and ultimately silenced for standing in our own spiritual power. 

After five years of intense soul-searching and transformation, I feel called to engage with the Church in order to help others integrate mystic feminine spirituality into what has become the hyper masculine style of Christianity in our modern world. This includes expanding people's awareness of Spirit in the world around them--this incredible, magical, created world that we all live in!

Thank you for joining me on this quest. I look forward to working with you! 


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