How Astrology Can Illuminate Your Inner Shadow

The Need for Growth & Change 

These days, the collective of human beings on this planet seems to be divided. Some people are charging ahead blindly, seeking to serve themselves and their own agendas regardless of the damage that they cause to the masses and to this planet. On the other hand, the second group of people is feeling the millennia of man-made trauma and is crying out for change.

Since you are here, I am going to go ahead and let you know that you are in the second group.

Wherever the empathic needle is twitching within your heart space, on some level you know that this world needs healing and it starts with the individual. It can be overwhelming to feel like you are some what responsible for the changes to come, but I encourage you to be at peace, knowing that you have everything you need for this work already within you. Not only that, but this sacred work is supported from above. Both the Creator and the forces of spirit here on earth are on your side.

Understanding that in order to affect change we must first work on ourselves, shadow work is a good place to begin your healing journey. To start, it is important to understand what your shadow actually is.

What is The Shadow Self?

Each one of us has hidden places within our psychology--traits, desires, and instincts that have been repressed in our upbringing or have laid mostly dormant within the deepest parts of ourselves in order to help us fit into society. When they do manifest, these traits are often self-serving in order to assure our own survival, or at the very least, what we see as a fight for survival.

Many of these traits should be considered negative. They comprise our quote-un-quote dark side. Within our shadow there is the capacity for great evil, but even more sinister are the ways that your shadow traps you within harmful habits and unconscious patterns, basically causing you to self-destruct in less than obvious ways. Most of us are unaware of how the shadow affects our thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and habitual actions. Our unconscious has constructed these patterns as defense mechanisms, thinking that these action and thought patterns ensure our individual well-being. But unfortunately, The Shadow Self causes us to remain stuck in a low-vibe existence and living out of that place can significantly stifle Soul growth.

By gaining awareness of our shadows, we begin to overcome these negative patterns and soon we can actually transform these potential weak spots into areas of strength. By lovingly bringing our shadows to light, we are able to resolve them and move forward in love and growth.

* Important Note *
Shadow work is not always pretty. In fact, digging into your own dark side can be extremely difficult and upsetting. Before you begin this sacred work, make sure that your self-esteem is strong enough to withstand the super-critical process! Make sure that you continue to practice self-love and acceptance throughout the process of your shadow work as well, and if at any point you start to get too down on yourself, back off until your heart space is ready to continue the harrowing journey from a place of self-love. Work with your Shadow Self as if counseling your Inner Child. Hold its hand as you bring it to light, remind it that it is loved and understood, and then help yourself to mature. 

Astrology and The Shadow Self

There are many indicators of the nature of the Shadow within an individual's  Natal Chart or Birth Chart, including Lilith, the South Node, and the harder aspects of Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto.

In order to locate these points on your birth chart, you can go to any number of sites that will automatically cast a chart for you upon entering your birth date, time, and location. One of my favorites is Cafe Astrology.  Below, I provide a very brief description of each indicator.

Lilith: The location of Lilith in your Natal Chart indicates your dark and wild feminine side. When Lilith traits are repressed, she becomes your undoing--your self-destruct button when it comes to meaningful personal relationships and stability. Lilith can reveal the darker parts of our sexual desires. She shows us our vices and inexplicable temptations.

South Node: The location of the South Nose in your Natal Chart indicates paths taken in a past life--whether that be a literal past life, occurrences within your ancestral line, or simply unconscious patterning that you were born with. The Shadow Self typically continues to operate under these patterns, which can hold us back from our growth potential in the now.

Saturn: Saturn is sometimes known as the "Karma" planet, but all 4 of the outer celestial bodies indicate our Shadow Selves in some way--particularly when these planets are in difficult aspects with the Inner / Personal planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars.) If you have hard aspects of Saturn in your Natal Chart (Opposition or Square) or if Saturn was in retrograde at the moment of your birth, this indicates a strong level of censorship and restriction in the affected area. For example, if you have Saturn square Sun in your Natal Chart, you will experience a strong urge to censor yourself / your self expression throughout your life. You may have difficulty expanding and growing into your Higher Self due to feelings of debt or responsibility.

Uranus: The location and aspects of Uranus in your Natal Chart reflect your intellectual independence and personal quirkiness! Having Uranus in a hard aspect with one of the Personal planets can indicate a propensity for rule breaking and self-service in the affected area. For example, someone with Venus square Uranus in the Natal Chart may continually self-sabotage their established relationships or act out inappropriately for additional stimulation. You may have difficulty maturing alongside of others because this Shadow Self tendency is to be totally individualistic even to a fault.

Neptune: The location and aspects of Neptune in your Natal Chart reflect your fantasies and delusions, and often indicate a pattern of disillusionment about real life experiences. People with hard aspects of Neptune to Personal planets often struggle to feel fulfilled in the affected areas. For example, someone with Mercury square Neptune often has difficulty communicating honestly with others because their imagination is too vast and logic bores them. These types often deceive or seek to mystify others rather than having an honest dialogue. In my personal opinion, Neptune shows us areas were the ego will never be fully satisfied with reality. Therefore, the Shadow Self will occasionally take the reigns in these areas simply out of boredom or even desperation for ever elusive satisfaction.

Pluto: Pluto is all about power and polarity. The location of Pluto in the Natal Chart indicates a place of great potential in our lives, but that potential also comes with the possibility of extreme negatives. Just like Lilith and the entirety of the Shadow Self, these traits should be meditated upon, brought into awareness, and lovingly nurtured so that you can experience trust in your power rather than succumbing to fear --> repression --> and ultimately negative Shadow patterning as a result.

Where to Start?

Interpreting your Natal Chart can be a daunting task at first. There are so many things to examine and work through-- (*cough cough* reasons why mass horoscopes based on only the Sun Sign are essentially useless and demeaning to astrology as a whole) -- but trust me, it is worth it! Over and over again, I have found helpful indicators within my astrology that brought underlying patterns of mine into awareness. 

And once we gain awareness, we will find the tools to grow. 

So head over to one of the many free birth chart websites, enter your information, and begin with just one of Astrological Shadow Indicators described above. I recommend taking several days to meditate on this placement before moving on to the next. (For example, spend a week or so on your Lilith before you look into your South Node. Give yourself time to marinate.)

Journaling about your own life experiences and how they relate to the indicator in question will help bring your Shadow Self into light. Here are some helpful journal prompts to get you started:

What does this placement / aspect in my birth chart typically indicate according to various sources?

What thoughts and feelings come up as I read into this particular placement? Does it resonate with me? Do I feel resistant toward what I am reading? 

Can I identify any specific patterns or habits in my life / in my personality that seem to stem from this indicator? 

If the patterns or habits listed above seem negative: How can I slightly shift these patterns into a more positive light? (I do not need to eradicate aspects of myself. I simply need to shift them into a more loving place.)


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