Diverging into Spring

Today marks the first day of spring in the northern half of our world--the Vernal Spring Equinox: perfect balance between the darkness and the light. 

Each season calls us to different lifestyles as the heat and the light waxes and wanes. Personally, I find myself behaving quite differently throughout the year. In summer, I am full of energy and life, I long to be outside, and my hands are ever busy creating and doing things. In the winter, I am still and slow, I cuddle more, I think more deeply, and I let my body rest as my spirit goes deep for some soul searching. 

Snowdrops along Tonawanda Creek @emilyoftheforest
And in the spring--well, in the spring, I change

These past few weeks, I have felt an intense shift within me as the parts of my soul that went so deep and so still in the winter begin to reemerge at last. They come up changed and refreshed. I feel ready to see the world anew and to start completely fresh with a totally altered worldview. 

To put it simply, each spring welcomes a new version of myself into the world.

As the plants return from their rest in the cool soil and burst forth, new and bright and beautiful, I return to the green world in the same way--ready to bloom in a brand new range of colors. In the winter, I let some things die and out of their death, the new Emily sprouts with the spring, like a little snowdrop blooming by the river's edge. 

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Not only is today the Spring Equinox, but we also have the Full Moon in Libra (!!!)  and this combination has the potential to make this day of rebirth exponentially more profound. 

Image result for yoga warrior 3
Image taken from "The Honest Company Blog" 
Full Moon energy--in general--is the perfect time to manifest what you have been working on. Any projects, any goals, any plans: today is the day to do it! To finish it! And with the alignment of the Spring Equinox and this powerful Full Moon energy, today is THE DAY to let yourself fully blossom into who you have wanted to be. 

Let this Libra energy support you as you find balance, committing to the process of casting off old patterns of conditioning that no longer serve you. Like the energetic channels in Warrior 3, kick back / push against what you mean to let go of with as much force as you reach forward toward your goals, but remember to keep your foot planted firmly on the ground for support. In doing so, you can find the balance to truly bloom into who you are meant to be this spring. 

Want to know more about the Libra Full Moon energy? Check out this article from Intuitive Astrology. 

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"Becoming who you are meant to be" sounds like a ridiculously huge task. Maybe, like me, you have been on a path of transformation these pat few weeks without realizing that the upcoming Equinox and Full Moon had anything to do with it. Or--maybe not. Maybe you have been the embodiment of all your hopes and dreams since the day you were born (lucky duck!) But wherever you find yourself today, here are a few simple practices that you can try to connect to this incredible day. 

1. Full Moon energy can be best felt when you are spiritually open and clear. Try abstaining from alcohol and drugs today. Instead, get your heart rate up and your breath flowing with a workout (preferably outdoors!) or a juicy yoga sequence. Get present in your body, get those pores open, and literally soak in the energy. 

2. Loving the idea of "soak" but not feeling the physical exertion? Take a ritual bath! Ritual Bathing is an incredible way to relax, get present in your body, quiet your mind, and absorb the goodness around you. At the same time, the bath is a place to cleanse--washing away the old and soaking in the new. Grab some crystals (try rose quartz for self-love, clear quartz for manifesting, tiger eye for clarity and balance, and obsidian for change,) light some candles, sink into the waters, and breathe. 

3. Not sure what "old patterns no longer serve you" or what you would like to change in the coming spring? Take some time to journal. Light a candle or some incense near by and consider the following questions: 

In what areas of my life do I wish to grow? 
(ie. my love life, my career, my friendships, my health, my spirituality.) 

Where do I feel stuck, stagnant, or even trapped? 
(ie. in a negative relationship, in a destructive thought pattern, in my line of work.)

Imagine that you could be anyone and anything you wanted to be. Write down a few descriptive sentences to invoke that image. 
(ie. I wouldn't feel insecure about my body or get shy when people ask me personal questions. I would work with my hands in the soil, growing plants and making medicine for the people I love. I would be bold and proud as I share my knowledge and spread my passion to the circles around me. I would never let anyone make me feel foolish for enjoying the earth.) 

4. Plant some seeds. These could be literal seeds (now is an excellent time to plant seedling for your summer garden if you are starting them indoors) or metaphorical seeds. Take one definitive action in the direction of a goal today--something that you will be able to see grow and produce tangible results. 

Interested in how I came to honor the Moon Cycles? Click here


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