Self-Love: A sacred practice

see your face.
see a flaw.
how. if you are the only one who has
this face.  

--the beauty construct

 by Nayyirah Waheed.


The end of summer is here and Virgo season is upon us. The astrological maiden, Virgo is all about purity in nature, dedication, intellect, and realism. As a Virgo Sun myself, I feel a strong pull of self-awareness this time of year, and I have to ask: Are there any other Virgos out there who have a hard time truly loving themselves, or am I all alone over here?

Of course, that's a rhetorical question. So many people (of all signs, shapes, & sizes) can't seem to find lasting love for themselves.

As individuals, we scrutinize ourselves, we judge ourselves, and more often than not, we make ourselves feel worse about our appearance than other people ever do. Which has me internally shouting, "Come on girl, just get out of your own head already!" So where is the hold-up? It's easy enough to blame our body issues on photo-shopped models and inconsiderate women's pants sizing (which are legitimate issues, but that's a topic for another day.) At some point though, it's time to take responsibility for our own self-image.

A Sacred Practice

I talk all of the time about "ritualizing self-care," and "practicing self-care." How about practicing self-love? If you're like me--someone who obsesses over the tiny (yet seemingly massive) flaw--then it's not always going to be easy to love yourself. In fact, it may be the exact opposite of your current programming. But you know what they say, "Practice makes perfect!" 

Let's think about self-love like a pair of glasses. Before you get out of bed in the morning, reach for your metaphorical lenses and start to view yourself for what you truly are instead of reducing your entire being to all of those little things that bother you. After lunch, if you realize that you forgot where you put your glasses, just look in a mirror and laugh when you see yourself and "find them" sitting on top of your head.'s a silly, over-simplified metaphor, but baby steps are better than standing still.  I'm going to start taking responsibility for my own self-worth by choosing to practice self-love each and every day. And every time that I fall short, I'm going to brush myself off, find those damn glasses, and intentionally reorient myself. I hope you'll join me <3

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Me: Using the wrong lens: I am too thin, I have large scars thanks to a major back surgery, my shoulders are uneven, my bottom teeth are crooked, I have a weak chin, and I'm too tall to be petite but too short to ever model. 

Me: Using a lens of self-love: I have been through a physical trauma and I have overcome it, I have incredible hazel eyes, I am uniquely beautiful, I am all-natural, and that's just my physical body! Wait until you get a glimpse of my soul. 

I will praise you; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made." --Psalm 139:14


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